Introducing the Natural Fiber Installer Certification (NFIC)

Introducing the Natural Fiber Installer Certification (NFIC)

LG Kramer Flooring has taken the initiative to earn the?Natural Fiber Installer Certification (NFIC), which is?obtained by taking a course that is nationally recognized?and affiliated with the International Textile Flooring?Academy, and the International Certified Flooring?Installers Association (CFI). In order to take the NFIC?prestigious and tedious three-day certification course, the?installer must invest years of apprentice experience. Once?accepted into the program they are required to study in?the classroom, excel in the hands-on workshops, and?finally perform in front of judges that watch if the?installer is utilizing the guidelines and techniques.

Why is hiring a Certified Carpet Installer (CCI)?important to YOU?
? Your warranties are only as good as your installation. By hiring a CCI you are protecting the money you have
spent on the carpet material. This is an investment in your home, and by using a Certified Carpet Installer it
protects your manufacturer?s warranties.
? LGK is experienced in installing high-quality and luxurious carpet in custom homes on a regular basis. This
type of carpet takes more expertise than installing apartment-grade, or economy carpet.
? The LG Kramer Flooring (LGK) installers have been trained in and mastered the following installations:
Woven, Axminster, Velvet, Wilton and tufted wool carpeting.
? The continued education of the LGK installers ensures they are skilled with the tools and techniques in the
evolving industry.

At LG Kramer Flooring, the team trains?and specializes in protecting premium?products by providing certified flooring?installations.

We bring our clients over 68 years of?experience, knowledge and training in?luxury carpet and wool alone.

To see LGK projects head over to:? or Text: 941-587-3804